Uvas Creek

Uvas Creek
Country United States
State California
Region Santa Clara County
 - left Little Uvas Creek, Hay Canyon Creek, Sycamore Creek, Carnaderos Creek
 - right Croy Creek, Eastman Canyon, Little Arthur Creek, Bodman Creek, Ousley Creek, Gavilan Creek, Tick Creek
City Gilroy, California
Source On the eastern flank of Loma Prieta Peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains
 - elevation 3,250 ft (991 m)
 - coordinates  [1]
Mouth Confluence with Pajaro River just after becoming Carnadero Creek
 - elevation 167 ft (51 m) [1]
 - coordinates  [1]

Uvas Creek is a 29.5-mile-long (47.5 km)[2] mainly southward-flowing stream originating on Loma Prieta peak of the Santa Cruz Mountains, in Santa Clara County, California, United States. The creek descends through Uvas Canyon County Park into Uvas Reservoir, and upon passing U.S. Highway 101 is known as Carnadero Creek[3] (also known as lower Uvas Creek), shortly before the confluence with the Pajaro River at the Santa Clara County - San Benito County boundary.



Uvas Creek got its name from the 1842 Rancho Las Uvas Mexican land grant. The Spanish name for grapes, "uvas", is preserved in a number of place names, all apparently referring to the abundance of wild grapes (Vitis californica) along the area's main watercourses.[4] "Carnadero" probably means "butchering place".[5]

Watershed and Course

The Uvas Creek watershed drains the eastern slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains in southern Santa Clara County. On the upper section of the creek is Uvas Canyon County Park. Uvas Reservoir, built in 1957, drains 32 square miles (83 km2) and is 7.5 miles (12.1 km) upstream of the City of Gilroy and 10.5 miles (16.9 km) upstream of the Pajaro River confluence. Significant tributaries include Croy Creek,[6] Little Uvas Creek,[7] Little Arthur Creek,[8] Bodfish Creek[9] and Gavilan Creek.[10] Below Uvas Reservoir the creek is very low gradient. After Uvas Creek crosses Highway 101 and becomes Carnadero Creek (aka lower Uvas Creek) it is joined from the right by Gavilan Creek, Tick Creek and then Tar Creek. Uvas Creek is the only stream in the Pajaro River watershed, and in Santa Clara County, whose water right specifies minimum winter and summer releases for maintaining fish resources.[11]


Uvas Creek supports a self-sustaining population of steelhead that is part of the Southern Central California Coast Distinct population segment (DPS), which is listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act.[12] The year before Uvas Creek Dam was constructed in 1957, the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) agreed with the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) to maintain flows sufficient to protect Steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations below Uvas Reservoir and to collect and truck returning adults above the dam to spawn upstream, however this latter promise was not kept.[13]

A non-profit volunteer organization called CHEER (Coastal Habitat Education and Environmental Restoration) founded by Herman Garcia, transports steelhead stranded in drying pools to reaches of Uvas Creek that are perennial. In 2008, Garcia's organization transported more than 23,000 steelhead, a dramatic number compared to the 100-200 fish reported in the entire Pajaro River system in 1991.[14] Two tributaries of Uvas Creek are also steelhead spawning and rearing streams, Bodfish and Little Arthur Creeks.[11]

The northwest to southeast orientation of Uvas Reservoir is in line with prevailing winds which drive the warm surface layer (epilimnion) down into the cool bottom layer (hypolimnion), so that by late summer the bottom water is warm and anoxic. The result is that no wild or planted trout survive the summer in the reservoir.[11] Landlocked steelhead above Uvas Dam take the rainbow trout form, and genetic studies of these fish in upper Uvas Creek above Uvas Road show that they are of native, and not hatchery stock.[11]

Other native fish species in the Uvas Creek watershed include Sacramento sucker (Catostomus occidentalis), Sacramento pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis), California roach (Lavinia symmetricus), Riffle sculpin (Cottus gulosus), Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata), and Threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) and Hitch (Lavinia exilicauda) are also present, but are relatively scarce. Non-native fish are uncommon in Uvas Creek.

See also


  1. ^ a b c U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Uvas Creek
  2. ^ U.S. Geological Survey. National Hydrography Dataset high-resolution flowline data. The National Map, accessed July 29, 2011
  3. ^ U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Carnadero Creek
  4. ^ Erwin Gustav Gudde. California Place Names. p. C-351. http://books.google.com/books?id=M-22djGNuhwC&pg=SL3-PA351&lpg=SL3-PA351&dq=geographic+place+names+uvas+creek&source=bl&ots=-LJBZzXPHT&sig=-N3UxB-_9Dj3gbqVFWccqBUgP1Q&hl=en&ei=LaYzToabC8ndiAKB85W6CA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCAQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=uvas%20creek&f=false. Retrieved 2011-07-29. 
  5. ^ Erwin Gustav Gudde. California Place Names. p. 67. http://books.google.com/books?id=Kqwt5RlMVBoC&printsec=frontcover&dq=gudde's+place+names&hl=en&ei=cRmATubbHLPRiAKG8bC6Aw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=carnadero%20creek&f=false. Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  6. ^ U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Croy Creek
  7. ^ U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Little Uvas Creek
  8. ^ U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Little Arthur Creek
  9. ^ U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bodfish Creek
  10. ^ U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gavilan Creek
  11. ^ a b c d Jerry J. Smith (2002-03-02). Fishes of the Pajaro River System (Report). http://www.pajarowatershed.org/archive/uploads/Flood%20Protection/2%20Project%20Alternatives/Environmental%20Reports/Biotic%20Species/Fisheries/2002%20Steelhead%20SJSU%20Watershed%20Report.pdf. Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  12. ^ T. P. Good, R.S. Waples, and P. Adams (editors) (2005). Updated status of federally listed ESUs of West Coast salmon and steelhead, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-66 (Report). U.S. Dept. Commerce. pp. 598. http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/Publications/Biological-Status-Reviews/upload/SR2005-allspecies.pdf. Retrieved 2011-07-29. 
  13. ^ Joel M. Casagrande (2010). Distribution, Abundance, Growth and Hasbitat Use of Steelhead in Uvas Creek, CA (Master's Thesis) (Thesis). San Jose State University. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4747&context=etd_theses&sei-redir=1#search=%22uvas%20creek%20watershed%22. Retrieved 2011-07-29. 
  14. ^ Chris Bone (2009-03-02). "A lot to CHEER About". Gilroy Dispatch. http://www.cheercentral.org/the-news/67-a-lot-to-cheer-about. Retrieved 2011-09-25. 

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